I was 17 years old. I’m really appreciated your advice and knowledge of astrology. That’s why I was looking to divorce after that. This year’s most progressive astrological prediction is about female empowerment, with some astrologers viewing 2020 as the transition from a patriarchal to a matriarchal age (pegged to that Saturn-Pluto alignment). I’m trying to interpret my chart but my mind can’t seem to think clearly. Or you may want to lose weight. Could what needs to be sorted out be a reunion, now that visas are meaningless, or will this more likely mean final closure? What does my chart indicate for the next few years? Get ready for some ‘giant leaps’ in space, with women in charge. I have Neptune 13 Sagittarius, Minerva 14 Sagittarius and Cupido 6 Sagittarius. (the first of three, this conjunction will repeat in the summer & the … I kept the baby despite the doctors opinion that it was too big of a risk to have her after my injuries. Hi Jessica – I feel I am going backwards from accepting this situation in fear of change. We moved to USA in 2006. Other thing I know is that grand mother was diagnosed with bipolar manic depressive and remained insufficiently treated for most of her life. With the transit of Saturn and Jupiter, placed in squares and trines respectively, the dual-energy of planets will enhance the benevolence in your life. It can also show up when people abandon astrology, funnily enough. It seems very likely you will travel then, or welcome travellers, and if so it is part of continuing karma. Virgo and Cancer Lagna would be the first astrological incident of 2021 which is a positive sign. While retrogrades are typically blamed for bringing about negative occurrences, more positively, they also present opportunities to take stock of our lives. You must definitely go back to Fosters Lodge, or Great Fosters, and try to make your peace with the past, when you can. It’s really that superficial. No! Your Sagittarius factors are about travel, not love, and you will be travelling to a place you have known in other lifetimes, in the second half of 2020, or the year 2021. If so, karma is definitely a bitch. I did have the fun experience of attending an English school. Other kinds of partnerships return, thematically. It is entirely possible you were involved in university or school life, the media, the post office and so on, in at least one prior existence too. You’ve digested and absorbed here, many lifetimes over, and quite frankly it’s easy to leave behind! Career seems to be improving, finances and health maybe now on right track, love life is heartbreaking. It’s repetition of spiritual debts and credits, which is quite different. Another great article, Thank you very much dear Jessica! Login now to see your birth chart. This makes your life unpredictable (predictably so, actually). “We do have this chance to go deep within ourselves and recalibrate our self-worth so that we can improve our relationships,” says McCarthy. The problem with astrological predictions concerning the world (mundane astrology) is that we always have to deal with basically 3 realities instead of one. Here’s how the astrology looks. There is karma there, but honestly – think about claiming the education you deserve, again. From May 2020 that finishes and she may then start making some decisions – so will he – in fact, the middle of next year is a watershed for both these two with the final choice by 2021 at the latest. The 2020 Great Conjunction: Saturn Conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius. In particular Jazz music, and was also heavily interested in Indian classical music. You’ve done nothing about that, really, but think about it. According to astrological predictions for 2021, the outlook for next year is much rosier. It’s solely concerned with emigration, travel, foreigners, education, academia, the worldwide web and publishing. In order to get a full picture of what fortunes lie ahead for the United States of America, we need to divide the country’s predictions into sections. And further back in history, in 1898, America became a world power following the Spanish/ American War. These two months (Sept/Oct) have been difficult with work and income. My business has an import/export component to it. I also feel some self discovery and awareness and healing. It’s all starting to come together. Doctors and drugs. I have my North Node at 26 Sagittarius degs. A new Hong Kong-Britain relationship. So, you have your ideas of what used to work for you professionally, and in business, but the country itself will tell you what she needs. For years you have mentioned Scotland leaving Union, now no mention? Predictions 2020. So, the body and the job. As this act reaches its ‘South Node Return’ we can expect to see a substantial update on America’s immigration rules and laws by 2022. Thank you for the compelling post! Are you suggesting that I might loose my house through divorce. August 26th 1964 – February 19th, 1966 It really depends on what you believe. The Node in Sagittarius in your Ninth House is telling you that you are ‘owed’ karmically – and would benefit from learning. Take care, Kindest regards, Bea. Jupiter conjunct Pluto–April 4. Madness it all was. And thank you Jessica ;). Virgo Horoscope 2021: Key Yearly Predictions By Denise on 2020-03-24 , 12646 views In 2021, Virgos may be, especially at the start of the year, confused about some of the dynamics in their relationships. I thought I had been the biggest loser in this dead marriage. January 4th, 1970, to May 2nd, 1970 Iran is absolutely caught in the Sagittarius Node weather and so is its chequered history with America, including all the facts that have been hidden from both sides about the truth. Thank you as always for these readings; I’m always amazed at their accuracy. In this article and many other posts- South Node by transit is comfortable, but the astrology oracle cards on the website say otherwise. Read more online at Family Circle USA. In 2000 I married and qualified as a lawyer. Prepare for a completely new world of trade and travel too. Your sessions with a psychiatrist or psychologist. 2020 Saturn-Pluto Conjunction—Exploring the Deepest Shadow. More from British Vogue: Books and publishing. I’ve been thinking about writing some children’s books about my dog who was my companion during this time and just as disrupted and displaced as I was. In any case, I also recently started a new assigned working in the country (not physically), where I grew up with my grandparents (both have since passed). Now, in 2019, after being single for over 9 years, I am desperate to get married but also avoiding desperate action. So do themes which revolve around your food, doctor, drugs, drink, healers and fitness from that year. Visas and emigration issues were what split us up. I had been drawn to the oracle and notice the card Uranus and 12th house appear. Cheers! I don’t know how this academic struggle is going to play out, especially since the struggle is financial and also about a chance that I think I regret I left in 2018 because of tensions at home. It does not stop there, though. BINGO. I’m going to stick to that astrology forecast, based on horoscopes for both nations. I feel like leaving home/country but I don’t know where to go – is it the right time too go? Satellite (global) television is a Sagittarius business and we’re about to see huge next steps not possible in 19 years, around the world. I confess I had not thought about the past life connection in relation to school friends but it is definitely there. Alina, this is about karma for your Gemini boyfriend and his Pisces wife. Take care, Bea. I have a husband and two children 15 and 10 years. I feel all at sea except my professional life – guess what – I might be offered an even higher position in Illinois. You saw it here first on 22nd August 2019. Please forgive me if I am posting in the wrong place. His bomb killed 241 U.S. service personnel, mostly Marines. I left for the US from India in 1984 and consider June 4th my independence day from India even though it took me until 1989 to get out of the marriage I never was for. What goes around comes around, from 1983 – all the way to 2020, 2021 and 2022. Will I have to wait 12 years to start study again? You may travel to, or even move to, the country or region concerned. These are forecasts. I have 7 factors in Sagittarius. Hi Jessica In 2001-2003 I was studying in school. We’ll all be looking forward to a new world of learning, online. In 1983 I was 10. There is a lot of really confused and confusing astrology out there so please be careful about reading a stack of websites together. I have three factors in Sagittarius, Cupido, Neptune and Minerva. Natalie, once Great Britain has left the European Union, you will be amazed at the business and financial incentives for Australia and France, but also Australia and Britain (hours away from France). It also rules workload, duty, service. I have my Sun, Mercury, Cupido, Salacia and Chiron in Sag and my South Node in Libra. Now I’m coming to realise I’ve put up with a lot I feel I shouldn’t have in terms of work and responsibility at home. I think each Nation of UK are so far apart now, it is only fair we are pulled in the way our hearts desire and what has been universally predicted for a long long time or lest this island and surrounding islands will be forever in strife. I did not enjoy the course and did not settle and moved back home the next year. Please give me your accurate predictions, as always, for me. Lost pretty much everything including my soul. We owe, and are owed. I myself didn’t move. You and your daughter have past lives together and they may have been life-or-death more than once. My career is on the upswing and I hope that what was tragic in the past in my personal life, somehow will not repeat, but all these aspects would mean some kind of a breakthrough for me or my daughter. Uranus in particular is a symbol of revolution, independence, radical change and feminism. You may ‘owe’ Florida, or perhaps she ‘owes’ you on some level. I don’t know whether this is significant but on Oct. 23, 1983, a suicide bomber drove his explosives-laden truck into the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut, Lebanon. What will repeat in my life, as I don’t recall anything significant happening at the age of 5. Get ready for some ‘giant leaps’ in space, with women in charge. This is ‘the new world university.’. Between May 6th, 2020, and January 18th, 2022, we will see the South Node of karma move into Sagittarius, the sign which rules the history of NASA, Pakistan and India and Hong Kong. The bigger issue is, you want to marry and are dating a very, very Scorpio kind of Scorpio! I’m glad you can be taken back to the future with your talents and qualifications, S. Hi Jessica My parents has decided it was time for me to move with them and my two sibling in another country. Most people don’t. Even sooner than that, we’ll see women breaking through the NASA ‘guy’ barrier in other important missions. Astrology is a very complex science/art, based on a non-mainstream concept of science and mundane astrology, i.e. The partnership will be hard work but also introduce you to someone who can educate you (or you can get back together with a person who fits that description). We are seeing this next, in February, August, April, October 2020. And I keep my soul and eyes open for any way that I can to give back. I am getting tired of waiting for something that maybe will never happen. In 2020-2022 we will see the South Node of karma, cross right over the original ‘Sally Ride’ position. This is so exciting Jessica. Her astrology books include Astrolove, Handbag Horoscopes and 2020 Vision (Penguin) and the #1 Amazon bestseller 2020 Astrology – Your Five Year Horoscope Guide. (I’m. Here are five empowering astrological events you need to know about this year. I think one lifetime with another female when we were male soldiers. The South Node can feel more comfortable, because you’ve let go. You teach each other. A doctoral degree fits perfectly with the Node transit in your Ninth House, 2020 and 2021. That’s a lot of Oscars. 1983 was a year that I did not achieve good A level grades and consequently I accepted the only offer of university that was available to me. Moreover, Saturn will bring stability in your personal life. The South Node in Sagittarius is repeating some old karma. Former colleagues, staff, employees may boomerang, or the same story from the year 1983 is retold with new faces. You get payback after May 2020, into 2021, and 2022. You watched it before, or did it before. Hi Jessica, I have a stellium of 4 factors in Sagittarius which include Uranus and Neptune! Aquarius: Themes from 1983 embracing the friends you had then, the groups you belonged to, and the groups you had an impact on, are returning. You will be amazed to see how the wheel of karma turns in 2020, 2021 and 2022 and those places and faces also return. I’m afraid there is going to be many protests, marches and possible revolutions all over the world at many times during 2021. Are you a Premium member? Hi Jessica, Absolutely none of this fills me with hope. My trip was paid for by an option deal on a movie I wrote. I can’t wait to see how and where my natal Uranus in Sag will take me from May 2020 onwards. I do have two children in this marriage, aged, 17 and 10. Expect new rules, new currency exchange rates, new property and work options. I always wish to leave my home city and live abroad and or maybe even having homes in different major cities. “It is the end of one cycle and the beginning of another — a cause for hope, but a hope based on our willingness to participate in recreating our world,” Nicholas concludes. It was also at this time that my mother married my step father. Ascendant 3 Libra. Few, however, could have foreseen the coronavirus pandemic that has unfolded over the past few months. It is certainly time for you to go galloping off, adventuring and exploring. Bea. I don’t see a chart so I can’t tell you more. Find out the astrological prediction for Aries, Leo, Virgo, Libra and other zodiac signs for December 10. Thanks so much!! You could also include a symbolic return of themes based around valuables, property, the share market, corporations, companies, charity and philanthropy. From key retrograde dates to the significance of eclipse season, here’s everything you need to know about the empowering astrological events still to unfold this year. Here’s how the astrology looks. It’s rather like finding yourself on the old Silk Road, navigating new journeys with other faces, from other places. The more Sagittarius factors you have, by the way (more than three is exceptional) the more your entire life will change 2020-2022. @bbcworldservice @coldplay He's great. I have been scratching my head too! From the get-go, January’s planetary conjunction was an ominous sign as this particular celestial episode has coincided with some of history’s most significant events, including the start of the first and second world wars, the economic recession of the ’80s — and now the Covid-19 crisis. Thanks so much for your insights and I am so grateful to have your guidance. At the present time I am very happy and satisfied with my life, and also with my daughter’s life, but I can’t stop being afraid of next year with all the planetary turmoil – I will have Pluto and Saturn squaring my ascendant, progressed Mars conjunct my natal Sun and some other smaller factors. Since 2010, based on the predictions of his teacher, Sadhguru Shivananda Murthy, he has been predicting that 2020 would be a year of world crisis. There will be new trade and new deals on each side and Britain will be able to collect its debts. We also associate Sagittarius weather with digital and traditional publishing. He has no other comparable transits of the Fourth House, or even the Seventh House (divorce) in Virgo, or Eighth House (financial settlement) in Libra. It is symbolic. A perfect storm of obstacles, barriers and blockages in the world horoscope, which began right on time with COVID-19 in the month of May 2020 and will not stop until 2040. Is there any indication towards a certain vocation? Bea, the review would fit Mercury Retrograde – you always put ‘re’ in front of everything – so you could accept a pension during this time, when agreements go backwards and forwards – then go for a review next year and possibly ‘re’ return to work. The South Node of karma will sweep over your Neptune, Minerva and Cupido in the Ninth House, after it changes signs in May 6th 2020 and build in importance until January 18th 2022, with particular focus on Sagittarius Season (late November to late December 2020 and late November to late December 2021). You may find your old course or qualification coming back to haunt you (nicely) in 2020-2022. After reading your article, I am incredibly curious what I should expect from the south node in Sagittarius, change of country for professional reasons (once again), partnership (maybe a marriage) or further travel???? I read everywhere for ascendant Libra that we should think of 2020 as 1982. Jessica thank you for this insight. If you get into… Thinking of going back to school, for a two year doctoral degree. You periodically go through huge upheavals here, rejecting what you are taught – what you publish – what you write – what you learn – where you travel – with whom you cross international or cultural boundaries. Needless to say my parents did finally separate, and the scenarios they bring about humor me with. Finances, health and love life been feeling stagnant chapter in connection with your God, Buddha, or it! Keep your eyes open for any way that i can to give back, moved helped! 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